Congratulations to Shaolin! Shaolin received a Schuchert and Dunbar Grants in Aid Award to fund a research trip to study the brachiopod collections at the Yale Peabody Museum. Notably, this award is named in honor of Charles Schuchert, a brachiopod worker who hailed from Ohio and produced foundational work on Ordovician brachiopods. As part of her thesis project, Shaolin will study some of Shuchert’s own specimens while investigating phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns of Ordovician brachiopods and speciation patterns during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.
Paleontological Society Grant Sucess
New IGCP Project focused on the GOBE funded!
We recently received the exciting news that our proposal for a new IGCP project that will focus on investigating the initiating causes and processes that produced the rapid diversification of marine organisms during the Ordovician Period, known as the ‘Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event’ (GOBE). Interntional Geoscience Program (part of UNESCO) has approved funding for IGCP 653, which will run from 2016-2020.
The project will focus on interdisciplinary investigations, including case studies from international sites, involving specialists from the fields of palaeontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, palaeooceanography, palaeoclimatology, etc., in collaboration with the Subcommission on Ordovician Stratigraphy (SOS). The results of the project will contribute to the understanding of the triggering causes of the establishment of modern marine ecosystems, but also to the identification of the reasons of the first collapse of these environments during the Late Ordovician mass extinction.
The project involves scientists from all over the world, and through the organization of dedicated meetings and workshops, will integrate graduate and doctoral students, in particular from developing countries. I hope you can join us at one of our meetings!
For more information or to join the project, visit our website:

Great Ordovician Biodiversity Event as expressed in Oklahoma, USA