Introductory and Geological Sciences Core Courses
GEOL 2210: Earth and Life History
A nontechnical survey exploring the 4.5 billion-year history of the interaction between life and the environment. Topics include the origin of the Earth, the origin and development of life, the origin and evolution of the continents, the history of the atmosphere and ocean, catastrophic extinctions, and the impact of human evolution. Active-learning, flipped classroom model (online lectures, in-class activities) offered Fall Semesters, Online version offered Summer Semester.
GEOL 3400: Principles of Paleontology
Introduction to paleontology emphasizing paleontologic theory and the study of the morphology and biologic relationships of key groups preserved in the fossil record. Lecture, laboratory, and field trip. Offered each Spring Semester.
Advanced Courses
GEOL 4/4430: Paleobiogeography
Theoretical principles of for biogeographic analysis of fossil taxa including both historical and ecological biogeography, survey of biogeographic methods, and analyses of case studies including implications for evolutionary studies and biodiversity dynamics. Lecture and discussion. Offered Spring Semester of odd numbered years.
GEOL 4/5480: Paleoecology
Principles of ecology applied to interpretation of the fossil record including ecological convergence, community paleoecology, coordinated stasis, diversity gradients, mass extinctions, and relationship to macroevolution. Both theoretical and practical aspects of paleoecology emphasized. Lecture, discussion, and field trip. Offered Spring Semester of even numbered years.
GEOL 4/5440: Carbonate Depositional Systems I
The study of carbonate rocks in the modern and geologic record. Topics include origin of carbonate sediment, patterns and processes of carbonate deposition and diagenesis, depositional models, and applications to the interpretation of carbonate rocks. Lecture, laboratory, and field trip. Offered on an irregular basis.
GEOL 4/5441: Carbonate Depositional Systems II
Field study of Holocene and Pleistocene carbonate rocks and modern depositional environments on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Involves a week long field trip during winter break and a post-field project. Offered on an irregular basis.